Basic Bible Studies


The Basic Bible Studies (BBS) course is a series of over 100 talks on the fundamentals of Christian living and belief which were recorded between 1974 and 1986.

Although the theology remains the same, time has affected the sound quality of some talks and some references may be a little dated. Please let us know if you have any concerns using the contact form. We hope to enhance these over time.

The course is divided into 6 series: Salvation, Judgement, Fulfilled Prophecy, Unfulfilled Prophecy, The Character of God, The Word of God & Essentials for Growth. It is intended that listeners start at the beginning and progress forward, as Roger assumes prior knowledge from previous talks. However, the majority of talks are stand-alone topics.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 1 - Salvation

What is the barrier?  Why do I need to be born again?  How can I be saved?  Why did Jesus have to die?  Can I commit the unforgivable sin?  Can I lose my salvation?  How do I live in fellowship with God?

This essential series answers these questions, giving a foundation for the rest of the Basic Bible Studies (BBS) course.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 2 - Judgements

Today people choose to ignore the fact that God will judge the human race. Beginning with the lovely principle of Grace before Judgement, Roger uses this series to outline and reinforce the coming Judgement of God.  This part of the course ends with a call to evangelism - do we really understand what lies ahead for our unbelieving friends and neighbours?

Basic Bible Studies

Series 3 - Fulfilled Prophecy

A quarter of the Bible is prophetic in nature and so it is crucial to know exactly the role prophecy plays. In this series, Roger demonstrates that a significant proportion of Biblical prophecy has already been fulfilled to the letter.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 4 - Unfulfilled Prophecy

Roger explains the Biblical prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled and expounds their importance. It is advisable that you listen to Series 3 on Fulfilled Prophecy before starting this series. At a minimum, you should listen to BBS 032 first.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 5 - The Character of God

It is not fashionable to be in awe of God today. However, as Christians we need to understand just how awesome He really is as well as knowing that He loves and cares for us. Throughout this series Roger also shows how the Bible reveals the Trinity in every aspect of God's character.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 6 - The Word of God

So far, all the teaching in the BBS course has been based on the assumption that the Bible is the Word of God: inspired and inerrant. In this series, Roger explains whether a book written so long ago, and by so many hands, could be considered accurate in any way. After showing how you can study the Bible for yourself, Roger then goes on to explain dispensations in a simple manner.

Basic Bible Studies

Series 7 - Essentials for Growth

Power for service and the techniques of spirituality must be understood if our lives are to fully represent the truth we have. This final series starts by explaining the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit before giving details of the spiritual breathing, nourishment and exercise which are essential for our Christian growth.