Special Topic Studies
The Special Topic Study (STS) course is a series of over 100 talks on the fundamentals of Christian living and belief which were recorded between 1974 and 1986.
Although the theology remains the same, time has affected the sound quality of some talks and some references may be a little dated. Please let us know if you have any concerns using the contact form. We hope to enhance these over time.
The course is divided into 6 series: Salvation, Judgement, Fulfilled Prophecy, Unfulfilled Prophecy, The Character of God, The Word of God & Essentials for Growth. It is intended that listeners start at the beginning and progress forward, as Roger assumes prior knowledge from previous talks. However, the majority of talks are stand-alone topics.
Series 1 - Salvation
What is the barrier? Why do I need to be born again? How can I be saved? Why did Jesus have to die? Can I commit the unforgivable sin? Can I lose my salvation? How do I live in fellowship with God?
This essential series answers these questions, giving a foundation for the rest of the Basic Bible Studies (BBS) Course.
A foundation study for the whole Basic Bible Studies course. Roger talks about the Bible as the only authority for our lives; The language of the New Testament; how God used Alexander the Great - and did you know that 'if' can have four meanings?
Originally Recorded: 16.02.1974
Six enormous obstacles to communion between fallen man and God - all insurmountable by man. Your problem is presented in simple terms.
Originally Recorded: 23.02.74
Here Roger explains the necessity of the Virgin Birth, showing clearly that without it we could have no salvation. An essential talk.
Originally Recorded: 01.03.74
Did you know that fallen man is a slave? Here we see the price that God paid to buy us our freedom.
Originally Recorded: 15.03.1974
In this study, Roger explains the way in which God dealt with the penalty of sin. The placing of our sin on Jesus caused Him to scream - and by His suffering our sin was replaced by His righteousness.
Originally Recorded: 22.03.1974
A discussion of the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus - a crucial message, for only by the second birth can man receive eternal life and be delivered from the wrath of God.
Originally Recorded: 05.04.1974
How through his death Jesus satisfied the demands of His Father's righteousness and justice.
God can now be satisfied.
Originally Recorded: 19.04.1974
This important subject is clearly explained as Roger defines the Unforgivable Sin and clarifies who commits it. You may be relieved to listen to this talk!
Originally Recorded: 26.04.1974
Calvinism and Arminianism. The calling and foreknowledge of God and the intercessory work of Christ. Holiness of life through the grace of God inspired by the revelation of the word of truth and the life of Christ in us.
Originally Recorded: 03.05.1974
The principles of Eternal Security. God's plan of salvation seen in relation to His omniscience, the nature of His 'gift', the work of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the family relationships into which every child of God is brought.
Originally Recorded: ??.05.1974
Misapplied and misinterpreted scripture. This talk cover scriptures often taken out of context, including Heb. 6 v 4ff, Heb. 10 v 26ff and John 15 v 2ff. In particular, it covers the confusion between the discipline of believers and the judgement of their works.
Originally Recorded: ??.05.1974
Being in fellowship with God is simple. Our trouble is that we make it complex. An exploration of the depths of God's grace. Are you in fellowship with God?
Originally Recorded: ??.05.1974
A vital study. Roger shows how this verse brings meaning into the ups and downs of everyday life, and reassures us that God has a plan for our lives. This talk, like the previous one, deals with a principle essential to our daily walk with God.
Originally Recorded: 24.05.1974
A study in legalism. How Jesus gently shows the bankruptcy of man's system of morality and our dependence upon His grace for our salvation.
Originally Recorded: 31.05.1974
Series 2 - Judgements
Today people choose to ignore the fact that God will judge the human race. Beginning with the lovely principle of Grace before Judgement, Roger uses this series to outline and reinforce the coming Judgement of God. This part of the course ends with a call to evangelism - do we really understand what lies ahead for our unbelieving friends and neighbours?
Jesus was appointed sole judge by the Father yet He is also the only mediator. The character of God and judgement. The principle of Grace before Judgement.
Originally Recorded: 07.10.1975
Sin abounded yet grace superabounded. The sign of Methuselah, the Flood and the Ark as types of God's grace towards us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Originally Recorded: 31.10.75
A case study in Grace before Judgement.
God's reluctant messenger who knew only too well the principle of Grace before Judgement!
Originally Recorded: 14.11.1975
This talk deals with the sin and judgement of Satan and outlines the three steps which led to his overthrow.
Originally Recorded: 28.11.1975
Jesus falsely judged by both his own people and the gentiles. Though guiltless he was condemned by the Sanhedrin in a trial which was illegal on six counts.
Originally Recorded: 02.01.1975
How Jesus offered himself as the Lamb of God and came under the righteous judgement of the Godhead in our place. The Cross and the earth-shattering significance of the events of Calvary.
Originally Recorded: 16.01.1976
The believer's relationship with God - kinship and fellowship. Broken fellowship and discipline in the family of God. Self-judgement or chastening?
Originally Recorded: 30.01.1976
The believer’s heart before God. The Corinthian church is given as an example of God’s grace and discipline. Roger explains the reasons for discipline as outlined in Hebrews 12.
Originally Recorded: 06.02.1976
How will you stand when your works are judged? Many believers will be in for a shock. Roger explains what the Judgement Seat of Christ will be all about.
Originally Recorded: 27.02.1976
God never judges without warning.
Here the five stages through which God warned Israel are outlined. This study has great relevance for our own country in these days.
Originally Recorded: 02.04.1976
A study based on four verses in Zechariah in which God gives a review of Israel's history.
Originally Recorded: 09.04.1976
Clears up the confusion surrounding this term. God executes his judgement on unbelievers at the Second Advent of Christ.
Originally Recorded: 30.04.1976
One of the most misunderstood passages of the Bible. Put in its right context, the meaning becomes simple and clear. A must for all believers.
Originally Recorded: 07.05.1976
Here Roger deals with the awesome final judgement awaiting unbelievers - a clarion call for personal evangelism. An extremely challenging study!
Originally Recorded: 07.05.1976
Series 3 - Fulfilled Prophecy
A quarter of the Bible is prophetic in nature and so it is crucial to know exactly the role prophecy plays. In this series, Roger demonstrates that a significant proportion of Biblical prophecy has already been fulfilled to the letter.
Demonstrates the powerful tool we have in prophecy. Presents proof of a God who intervenes in the affairs of men and makes righteous demands which cannot be ignored.
Originally Recorded: 04.08.1978
Restores the balance between love, faith and hope and shows hope to be as essential as the other two. An interesting insight into Joseph's bones —or 'why Joseph got carried away'!
Originally Recorded: 11.08.1978
The prophecies of Nostradamus, Jeane Dixon and Mother Shipton. Who do you believe and why?
Originally Recorded: 18.08.1978
An exposition of the rules of Biblical interpretation. Our view of the Bible determines our outlook and our understanding of God's plan. How literal can 'literal' be? This study is a vital cornerstone for all of Roger's teaching.
Originally Recorded: 08.12.1978
Today Jerusalem's Golden Gate stands blocked up for all to see, exactly as prophesied 2,600 years ago. Who but the Lord of History could have known?
Originally Recorded: 23.02.1979
This tape deals with two detailed prophecies concerning the growth of Jerusalem up to the present day and the destructions of a major trading centre. The exact manner of the fulfilment of both proves the wonderful foreknowledge of God.
Originally Recorded: 06.03.1979
A description of the once magnificent city of Babylon and an introduction to its history. The city was the work of an architectural genius and seemed impregnable.
Originally Recorded: 20.03.1979
How the Bible predicted that Babylon the magnificent would be conquered, and how it was achieved overnight without a shot being fired. A thrilling account!
Originally Recorded: 03.04.1979
Many Christians lack understanding of the Bible through ignorance of ancient history. A chance to study the rise and fall of some of the most powerful empires the world has ever seen.
Originally Recorded: 27.04.1979
Perhaps the most important prophecy of the Bible. In these few verses the post-flood dispersion and the subsequent history of mankind are predicted.
Originally Recorded: 15.05.1979
The Old Testament saints expected their Messiah, knowing Him by a variety of names. Jesus claimed to be this Messiah and was prepared to justify His claim.
Originally Recorded: 19.06.1979
Genealogies are the most ignored part of the Bible and yet, as this talk shows, they are crucial to our understanding of our Saviour and the Jewish Messiah.
Originally Recorded: 29.06.1979
Did the Jews know that Jesus was indeed the Messiah? Here we see some of the ways in which Jesus proved unmistakably who He was.
Originally Recorded: 21.09.1979
The fulfilment of prophecies related to the torture and death of Jesus, but ending with an empty tomb. Hallelujah!
Originally Recorded: 12.10.1979
Series 4 - Unfulfilled Prophecy
Roger explains the Biblical prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled and expounds their importance. It is advisable that you listen to Series 3 on Fulfilled Prophecy before starting this series. At a minimum, you should listen to BBS 032 first.
It was from the Tower of Babel that the rebellion against God gained momentum. God's response left the earth's population divided. This was the beginning of the conflict with Mystery Babylon.
Originally Recorded: 29.01.1980
In order to demonstrate His sovereignty God chooses the nation through whom His counter-offensive will come. This talk spells out the terms of the covenant He made with them Jewish people.
Originally Recorded: 04.03.1980
Nations may come and nations may go, but the Lord God of Israel lives for ever. A study of God's limitless promises to His people provides an emphatic answer to the question of Israel's future.
Originally Recorded: 04.04.1980
A study of the prophecy given by the prophet Joel. Peter quotes it, but there are disturbing differences between what the prophecy says and what really occurred at Pentecost. A key study in understanding Biblical prophecy.
Originally Recorded: 18.04.1980
'It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honour of kings is to search out a matter' (Prov. 25 v 2). This study describes how God concealed the Church for generations, revealing it only after Jesus' death on the cross.
Originally Recorded: 18.04.1980
To stock up your larder or not? That is the question. Roger uses the principles explained so far in the course to answer the controversial question posed by the title.
Originally Recorded: 23.05.1980
An amazing prophecy, crucial to our understanding of past and future events. When is a week not a week?
Originally Recorded: 03.06.1980
All generations of Christians have longed for the coming of the Lord for His Church. It has been long coming. but in this talk the words of Habakkuk are echoed: 'Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come' (Hab . 2 v 3).
Originally Recorded: 24.06.1980
The stream of iniquity, gathering momentum in the last days, now emerges as a tidal wave and on its crest the Man of Sin, the dictator of the coming darkness, is swept into power!
Originally Recorded: 02.09.1980
Chronology has been called the backbone of history. The Seals, Trumpets and Vials provide all we need to know in order to understand the sequence of forthcoming events described in the book of Revelation.
Originally Recorded: 16.09.1980
Historians consider the Roman Empire as ancient history yet the Bible reveals that its zenith is yet to be. Even now the unmistakable signs of its re-emergence are before us. This study outlines the international politics of the Tribulation, and the rise of the Beast.
Originally Recorded: 26.09.1980
A study of the three main characters who dominate the Tribulation period. Their reign will be short but devastating.
Originally Recorded: 21.10.1980
A perfect example of the Bible as the key to its own interpretation. Who is the woman, who is the man-child and where does the woman find refuge? These are some of the questions answered in this study.
Originally Recorded: 04.11.1980
The Tribulation may turn out to be the period of greatest evangelism in the earth's history. This study deals with the four main waves of testimony revealed in the Bible, and who the 144,000 are.
Originally Recorded: 05.12.1980
A chronological journey through to the end of the Tribulation, and a gripping account of the military strategy which leads up to the Battle of Armageddon.
Originally Recorded: 09.12.1980
The Day of the Lord seen as a day of darkness as well as a day of light. A revelation of the grace of God - who desires all men to be saved and arranges for brands to be plucked out of the fire only hours before the Day of Salvation closes.
Originally Recorded: 16.12.1980
Who are Gog and Magog? Which battle is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39? A vital study, and one which every Russian should hear!
Originally Recorded: 05.12.1980
An exposition of the process of restoration put into action by the Lord following His return. The result is the perfect environment on the earth.
Originally Recorded: 10.02.1981
Roger explores the type of society which flourishes on the earth for 1,000 years. What part will the Church play in it? Why will Satan be released at the end? He also deals with the question: 'What should be our attitude to disarmament?'
Originally Recorded: 24.02.1981
The shape of things to come - for eternity! A new heaven, a new earth and a new Jerusalem designed with the new creation in mind.
Originally Recorded: 10.03.1981
In this final study in the series Roger shows how the eternal state fulfils the purposes of God, bringing to completion His plan for all creation.
Originally Recorded: 17.03.1981
Series 5 - The Character of God
It is not fashionable to be in awe of God today. However, as Christians we need to understand just how awesome He really is as well as knowing that He loves and cares for us. Throughout this series Roger also shows how the Bible reveals the Trinity in every aspect of God's character.
An intriguing study, and hardly a reference to the Bible! It is often claimed that far from God creating man, man actually created God because he needed someone or something to give him a sense of security and justice. Roger examines this notion and decides that this is very far from the truth.
Originally Recorded: 21.06.1983
If God exists, then we have to ask 'What is He like?' The Bible reveals God clearly and yet retains His mystery. The wonder of it is that the great Creator should allow His creatures to know so much about Him.
Originally Recorded: 08.07.1983
Roger examines the nature of the Trinity and shows why our faith demands a Triune God. No simple solutions here, but a reasoned explanation of why Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious groups are incorrect.
Originally Recorded: 22.07.1983
This tape provides a detailed examination of the Trinity as revealed in the Old Testament. Roger traces the appearances of the Lord Jesus Christ in the first four thousand years of Earth's history and also the references to the Holy Spirit.
Originally Recorded: 09.08.1983
Jehovah's Witnesses claim that there is not one verse in the New Testament which clearly states that Jesus Christ is divine. Roger shows that the New Testament is full of references to both the divinity of Christ and the Trinity. An important talk for all those who meet and challenge people in other religious groups.
Originally Recorded: 19.08.1983
This study clearly shows that our God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that He will do that which pleases Him. He as the Creator can do as He pleases with the creation and with every one of us.
Also covered is the difficult problem of God's Sovereignty versus our free-will.
Originally Recorded: 06.09.1983
Holiness is the jewel among God's attributes. The wonder of it all is that through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross God desires that we should share His holiness. We can come into the presence of the God who is 'of purer eyes than to behold evil' (Hab. 1 v13) because our sins have been dealt with and we have received the robe of righteousness. God commands us 'be holy; for I am holy' (1 Pet. 1 v 16).
Originally Recorded: 16.09.1983
A wonderfully reassuring attribute of God. We as individuals are so small (a speck of dust in this vast cosmos), that if God wasn't omniscient He wouldn't know that we were here at all! But the truth is that He does. More than that, He knows everything about us: past, present and future and still loves us. When He decided to save us He knew what we were like and He knew that He could bring us with rejoicing into heaven itself.
Originally Recorded: 18.10.1983
The Bible reveals that our God has infinite, unlimited power which can never run out or need replenishment.
He not only has the will to do what He pleases, but He has the power to carry out that which He wills. We can rest assured that He has the ability to see His purposes in our lives through to their final conclusion.
Originally Recorded: 11.11.1983
Not many people understand this wonderful attribute, for omnipresence doesn't just state that God is everywhere but that the whole of God is everywhere. 'In Him we live, and move, and have our being' (Acts 17 v 28). The Bible wonderfully reveals this attribute, and Roger deals with some of the problems associated with it.
Originally Recorded: 29.11.1983
The question of God's relationship to time is one of the hardest subjects that Christians can examine. In this study Roger manages successfully to negotiate the rapids and waterfalls connected with this subject, and shows a revelation which can mean security and peace for us all.
Originally Recorded: 09.12.1983
In one word 'love' expresses the uniqueness of the God of the Bible. Our God is revealed as the one who has committed himself to those He has created, by sending His own son as a sacrifice for their sins. 'In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins' ( 1 John 4 v 10).
Originally Recorded: 17.01.1984
The rock of our salvation is immovable and unchangeable. As He was, so He is and so He ever will be. All may change, but our God remains the same. There can be no better foundation for our lives.
Originally Recorded: 07.02.1984
"God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent.' (Num. 23 v 19). Once He gives His Word and makes a promise we know that He will keep it. This is why Israel still has a future, and why every believer can trust the God of their salvation.
Originally Recorded: 21.02.1984
Series 6 - The Word of God
So far, all the teaching in the BBS course has been based on the assumption that the Bible is the Word of God: inspired and inerrant. In this series, Roger explains whether a book written so long ago, and by so many hands, could be considered accurate in any way. After showing how you can study the Bible for yourself, Roger then goes on to explain dispensations in a simple manner.
Roger describes how, from being an atheist, he came to realise that the Word of God was the infallible and inerrant truth of God. He shows the error of those who think they can pick and choose which passages of the Bible they believe, and which they don't.
Originally Recorded: 10.07.1984
A fascinating study of some of the scientific statements in the Bible. The facts given in texts written up to four thousand years ago are so astoundingly accurate that only the mouth of God could have revealed them.
Originally Recorded: 31.03.1984
The story of how God has preserved the exact texts of both Old and New Testaments is fascinating and exciting. Let this talk challenge you as you hear of the faithfulness of many believers who laid down their lives to recover the original text.
Originally Recorded: 31.03.1984
Is it true that the early church decided which books should be in the Bible and which should not? What rules can be applied to the books of the Bible to show that they really are the inspired Word of God? What about the Apocrypha? An important study for Bible scholars.
Originally Recorded: 01.04.1984
Bible critics are always saying that there are contradictions in the Bible. Here Roger takes several so-called problem passages and shows that, far from being contradictions. the difficulties act to give us even more revelation and a greater assurance of our faith.
Originally Recorded: 01.04.1984
A practical, down-to-earth guide to Bible Study. This talk gives very useful hints to ensure you receive maximum personal benefit from your own Bible explorations.
Originally Recorded: 28.08.1984
Dispensationalism is a controversial but misunderstood subject. In the first study Roger defines in simple terms what a dispensation is - it's not something to be afraid of!
Originally Recorded: 02.07.1985
In Part 2 the four main dispensational periods are outlined, their subdivisions detailed and the characteristics of each period are examined.
Originally Recorded: 09.07.1984
Part 3 brings together what has been previously taught, providing some very interesting and eye-opening conclusions. As a result, the question of whether the Church will go through the Tribulation or not is answered simply and logically.
Originally Recorded: ??.07.1985
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Series 7 - Essentials for Growth
Power for service and the techniques of spirituality must be understood if our lives are to fully represent the truth we have. This final series starts by explaining the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit before giving details of the spiritual breathing, nourishment and exercise which are essential for our Christian growth.
Much confusion reigns concerning this topic and in the first talk Roger clearly shows that whereas all born again believers have the Holy Spirit, there is a subsequent enduement with power which is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Originally Recorded: 09.10.1984
A survey of the book of Acts to establish the fact of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, concluding with some simple steps to enable you to receive this empowering for service.
Originally Recorded: 19.11.1984
This study is more than just an analysis of the gifts of the Spirit. It looks specifically at the gifts of speaking in tongues, interpretation and prophecy, giving some amusing and useful teaching on how to develop these gifts.
Originally Recorded: 08.05.1984
Roger now turns his attention to the three inspirational gifts and the three power gifts, explaining what they are and how they operate. Finally, he gives some hints as to how we can see these manifested daily in our lives.
Originally Recorded: 22.05.1984
Prophecy is perhaps the most difficult and misused gift. It is a very sharp tool and needs careful handling. This talk contains guidelines to enable us to move more freely in this gift without danger.
Originally Recorded: 26.06.1984
Prayer, like breath, is vital for our spiritual life. Roger examines the essential nature of prayer and shows why God needs the Church to be a praying group of people even though He is omniscient. Roger then warns us against the misuse of prayer and reminds us to check our motives.
Originally Recorded: 30.04.1985
This study answers a wide range of questions related to prayer. Roger explains what it means to ask, ‘in faith’ and to ask, ‘in His name’. He then explains how to pray effectively and deals with issues surrounding unanswered prayer.
Originally Recorded: 21.05.1985
This study shows how to share the experience of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John the Apostle when they ate the Word of God.
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James tells us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving ourselves. In the first of these five 'keep fit' studies Roger encourages us to put into action the wonderful things God has wrought in our lives.
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Roger explores the importance of forgiveness in a healthy Christian life. Not only are we forgiven by God, but He requires us to also forgive others.
Originally Recorded: 29.10.1985
The content of this study might surprise you. It has nothing to do with spiritual gifts, but is a call for us to appropriate who we are and what we have through the New Birth. The Church is the Community of the Redeemed and will only function effectively as we walk in the reality of our redemption. Roger also explains 'The 37 Things that happen at the point of Salvation'.
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Sooner or later a Christian will hear a phrase like ‘I’m claiming the blood of Jesus’ or ‘I’m pleading the blood’. This study examines the reasons for talking this way and clearly shows that the shed blood of Jesus has lost none of its power – it is still speaking today.
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To fast or to feast? That is the question. Avoiding the pitfalls of both legalism and license, Roger examines what the Bible has to say on this subject and reaches an easily applied and well-balanced conclusion.
Originally Recorded: 18.03.1986